Simple Zapier Automation Blueprint
Learn how to automate your business with Zapier using our signature methodology.
No coding knowledge required.

A Simple Blueprint for Implementing No-Code Digital Automation with Zapier
A Simple Blueprint for Implementing No-Code Digital Automation with Zapier

Increase your business productivity with automation by following our tried-and-tested learning roadmap
This course consists of 5 modules
What's included?
The perfect blend of pre-recorded content and support materials.

30+ video lessons and downloadable materials
9.5 hours of pre-recorded video content plus access to our bespoke templates and other unique downloadable resources.

Earn 9.5 hours of CPD

Unlimited access
Access the course for an unlimited period of time. No annual renewals or upgrades required.
Bonus content

Automate It with Zapier & Generative AI eBook (2nd edition)
Automate It with Zapier and Generative AI (second edition) will be used as an additional resource for this course. A free eBook copy will be sent to your email address within a few days of your registration.
Worth £27.46 but yours for free.
Worth £27.46 but yours for free.

Automation Project Management Templates

Zapier Built-in Helper Apps Cheatsheet
Filters, Formatters, Schedule, Delay, Paths...what do you use when? Our unique cheatsheet is a handy reference guide to help you break through the challenge of trying to remember all of Zapier's built-in features and functionality. It will help to jolt your memory and identify what you to apps to use in which scenario.

Zap Templates
We have a bunch of Zap templates that you can use to help you along the way. Save time and effort, and learn faster by easily importing our bespoke Zap templates into your Zapier account.

AI + Automation Inspiration

Automation Strategy Templates
We will give you access to our Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, and Miro automation strategy templates to help to apply the 4-Step Solvaa Automation Methodology®.
And here's what our students are saying...
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Learn from a Certified Expert and author
Kelly Goss
Kelly founded Solvaa, a no-code digital automation consultancy in 2016, and is the author of Automate It with Zapier (first edition) and Automate It with Zapier and Generative AI ( second edition). She is a digital process improvement specialist, Zapier Certified Expert, Pipedrive Certified Expert, SmartSuite Certified Partner and Xero Certified Advisor. Kelly regularly speaks at conferences and events. As a passionate advocate of digital automation and continuous improvement, she helps businesses streamline and automate their repetitive tasks to achieve their productivity goals and save money.
Based in West Sussex, England, Kelly is a self-taught artist, a lover of travel and adventure, animals, urban art and street food.
Based in West Sussex, England, Kelly is a self-taught artist, a lover of travel and adventure, animals, urban art and street food.

Frequently asked questions
Who is this course for?
This course is for business owners, team members, and business service providers such as virtual assistants, OBMs, bookkeepers, accountants, digital marketers, no-code builders and systems consultants who want grasp the fundamentals of business process automation and get hands-on experience of implementing it successfully.
Is there a pre-requisite for this course?
Yes! A curious brain, the zeal to learn! Other than that, no prior knowledge or experience is needed with process improvement, strategy, Zapier or other automation tools.
Does the course cover the basics?
Yes, of course! The course starts with the fundamentals and helps you build an understanding of business process automation, and the importance of process improvement before starting on the technical side of understanding and using Zapier.
How much time do I need to allocate to learning?
Most modules contain 1 to 3 hours of content and the homework might take an additional 1 to 3 hours to complete. Everyone has different processes so this time will vary and is only a guideline.
Can you create my automation strategy and build my workflows for me?
Yes, but that defeats the purpose of you learning to do it yourself. We do, however, offer consulting services which you can enquire about here.
Do you offer 1-on-1 coaching?
We do offer one-on-one personal coaching with one of the Solvaa team at an additional cost. You can reach out to us in the chat, fill out the form on the Contact Us page or email us to enquire.
Do you offer a payment plan?
Yes we currently offer a payment plane whereby you can spread the cost over 3 months.
Does the pricing include VAT?
Yes, the displayed prices include VAT which we are required to pay in the UK. You will be issued with a tax receipt after payment.
Do you offer refunds?
Yes. Check out our Terms & Conditions for more details.
Is there a graded certification with this course?
You will receive a certificate of completion once you have watched all the lessons, attempted the quizzes and have given feedback. We are in the process of working on a certification programme with examinations and challenges specifically aimed at those that want to take their skills to the next level.
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